Conditionals with Hannah!

This month we are going to talk about conditionals! We use conditional sentences to talk about things like wishes, hypothetical situations, possibilities, advice, regret and more! So when you think about it, we use conditional sentences all the time!  Songs, films, and regular conversation are full of conditional sentences, so it´s a great topic to get familiar with. Take a look at this song “If I were a Rich Man”, taken from the musical “Fiddler on the Roof”. See if you can recognize the times the singer uses a conditional sentence.

Here are a few examples of conditional sentences to help you find some in the song:

I am happier when I am traveling.

If you practice speaking English every day, you will improve!

I would be so happy if it stopped raining!

If I hadn´t forgotten my phone at home, I would have called to say I was late.

Don´t worry if practicing conditionals is new for you! We will use them in class to talk about a lot of fun topics.