Hi everyone!

Next week we’re going to talk about the comfort zone. Lately this is a hot topic – lots of people are talking about it, so there is lots of material available on the internet. Watch this video (again with no subtitles, so watch it a few times if necessary) and answer the questions.

(0:45) What pressures discourage us from leading unconventional lives and asking different questions?

BONUS: If you’re wondering about the fable of the milkmaid and her pail, you can see it here. What does this story tell children? Is that a good lesson?

(1:16) How can you achieve your dreams?
(1:44) What is a comfort zone? Can you define your personal comfort zone?
(2:28) What is your learning zone? How do you expand it?
(3:19) Who is most likely to discourage you from exploring the unknown?
(3:58) What happens to your comfort zone if you leave it?
(4:28) What do emotional and creative tension do?
(5:00) What are the steps you go through to learn new things and expand your comfort zone? What are some normal discomforts?
(6:35) How can you regain your sense of competence?
Come to class ready to tell a story about when you went outside your comfort zone. This could be in your interpersonal relationships (family, friends, and romantic), your job and career, or your free time interests (travel, sports, cultural interests). What emotions did you experience?
How does learning a new language relate to your comfort zone?

See you soon!
