Have you ever been wrong? Sure you have. But how many times have you been wrong, but sure that you’re right? Probably more than you think. Check out this story from This American Life about ignorance. You can find the transcript here.

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 29:30 Summarize David Dunning’s favorite story.
30:27 What was the hypothesis he wanted to test?
31:33 What did they find?
33:05 What was the name of their study?

34:28 Over the years, who else showed the same phenomenon?
35:28 What kinds of headlines do you see when you Google Dunning-Kruger effect?
36:08 What do most people miss about the effect?
37:01 What happened to Dr. Kruger when teaching?
39:06 What is the really sad part?
39:45 How has the scientific community reacted?